SEWLA manages several inboxes and this website.
South East Website
We sometimes share player names for selected teams on our website. When signing up to trials for a team such as Super-Counties or to represent South East the forms contain a tick box in relation to this information appearing on our website. If a player wishes to later remove consent please contact us and ask for your name to be removed from this site.
All members of the South East committee are contactable via our generic email address.
SEWLA operates 3 email accounts, and Access to these accounts is as follows: - Members of SEWLA committee - Super-Counties organiser, SEWLA Events co-ordinator, Junior and Senior regional team managers - The members of the league organising committee only
If at any time you wish for your details to be removed from any or all of those accounts please respond to an email asking to be removed or email
Data held
South East and Super-Counties Players - players who sign up to represent us will only be asked for relevant information (Contact information, playing history and medical information). We do not hold this information for more than 2 years. All information is shared with your team manager and if relevant an event organiser. Only a limited subset of information is shared with your coaches eg email, phone number and playing positions.
All other contacts - Anyone emailing any of the email accounts above should be aware your email address is stored automatically and can be deleted at your request.
Data sharing
Information held by the South East is shared in the following scenarios:
1. All lacrosse teachers work contact information is shared within that closed group.
2. Clubs generic email addresses - we request all clubs provide a generic email address which can be used for potential players or other clubs to contact. We will not share individual club contacts' email addresses to potential players without explicit consent.
3. If someone emails with a question for a specific member of the committee your email will be forwarded on to that person.
4. Senior players signing up to teams will be asked during sign up if they are happy for their contact information to be shared with their team mates, if selected.