SEWLA Funding Initiatives

The South East Region has a small funds process. In the first instance however we suggest you apply for a grant from other organisations, for more information, please see this page.

Becoming Level 1 Coaches and Umpires

Having plenty of umpires and coaches qualified is core to the success and growth of lacrosse. As such South East will fund 50% of the cost of becoming qualified as a Level 1. Anyone in the South East wishing to claim this funding should book, pay for and attend a course. After completion an expense claim form (below) including proof of payment to

General Development funding

We also provide general grants to existing clubs and schools as well as towards setting up new clubs or schools. Grants are up to £250 per entity and must fund the development of the sport. Some examples of what we will fund:

  • Qualifying Level 1 umpires and coaches

  • Club goalie kit

  • Goals for new clubs or new teams

  • Up to 50% of the first 6 weeks training costs (space hire or coach)

*As a general rule, SEWLA does not fund Kit/clothing.

All requests should be emailed to in time for a South East meeting (Sept, Nov, Jan, March) where attendees of the meeting will vote on the applications we receive.

Super-Counties and South East Coaching Funding

Coaches who commit to at least 2 seasons with us can also receive funding for advancing their qualifications to a higher level.